30-day challenge (AES, 2023) May 1-30

I will undertake a special class project, entitled “30-day challenge,” from May 1 through 31. As I told the registered students to AES Studies in English L, I myself will work on a project. The purpose of this project is to maintain motivation for something for 30 days. I will take a photo every day, make comments on it and upload it here. The project starts officially on May 1, but I would like to have a head start. I usually do not write much like this. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to make them.

+31 (May 31) Final

To celebrate this project, I went to my favorite Japanese restaurant near my college to eat fried pork (Katsu). It was so delicious. If you have a chance, please try this, though it would be so crowded during lunchtime. I recommend visiting around 13:30 (Be careful: the restaurant is closed at 2 pm for lunch and you need to be there by that time).

Thank you, kind readers, for visiting this page from time to time. This 30-day challenge was a small project, but I realized that time passes really quickly and that we need to use our time seriously and joyfully.

I would like to finish this project by quoting my favorite line from the movie entitled Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

+30 (May 30)

As I teach at college in Kyoto, I naturally get used to eating noodles. I have quite a few favorite noodle shops and this is one them, which is in Momoyama Goryo mae in Kintetsu railway. Thirty days have passed really quickly, but by having this small project, I was able to realize that I am actually living. Tomorrow is the last day of this project. Thank you for reading!

+29 (May 29)

Among various kinds of plants on Imadegawa campus, I love smoke trees the best. This is the symbol of the rainy season and this short project is coming to the end.

+28 (May 28)

For almost a whole day, I stayed at home and walked a dog in the afternoon around my house. I saw two ducks flying and touching down on a rice field. I did not know that ducks can fly!

+27 (May 27)

I attended a conference held at Kyoto University. As it had been held online for the last 3 years, I met quite a few friends after a long absence. It was like a reunion. I attended a workshop about how to coexist with AI, which was really educational and suggestive.

+26 (May 26)

I bought a new cup and saucer on my way back from the Kyoto Prefectural Hospital. I happened to find a small shop, which sells a variety of goods.

+25 (May 25)

Two smart AES students dropped by my office at Denton-kan building. They also seemed to be actively engaged in the 30-day challenges, each of which looked interesting and I look forward to reading their final report. Slyly is a mascot for Hiroshima Carp, but I did not know that!

+24 (May 24)

For attending a meeting, I moved to the Kyotanabe campus. It was full of beautiful nature and sinlight.

+23 (May 23)

I am a really fortunate teacher to have such considerate and kind students. All the junior seminar student members celebrated my birthday today by setting off firecrackers and even prepared a nice birthday present, a handy air-conditioner. Again, I think that I am the luckiest teacher in the world.

+22 (May 22)

Currently teaching practicum started, and I had a chance to visit a junior high school in Kyoto prefecture. Probably it is because the specialty of the principal of the school is math, multiplication formulas were put on the stairs. With this students could remember these formulas naturally when walking up stairs.

+21 (May 21)

While this is not a party, I had a BBQ-like dinner on the exterior deck, having oysters and scallops.

+20 (May 20)

On Saturdays, I usually go to the college library and try to renew my knowledge. I found Piaget’s book and learned that again he was an interactionist. He tried to explain the development of human ability through the interaction between people and the environment. I borrowed seven books in total, which looked interesting.

+19 (May 19)

I made a short presentation about how to use time effectively with the use of shortcuts on a computer. Despite the unfavorable weather, quite a few people came. I enjoyed talking in a large event hall at Learning Commons, Imadegawa. This photo was taken by Mr. Watanabe of the Office of public relations and kindly offered to me. Thank you, everyone, for listening to my talk!

+18 (May 18)

As it is getting too warm, I tend to rely on beverages. Recently, I have been fond of this type of cold tea with a plastic bottle, which seems healthy and economical as well.

+17 (May 17)

On Wednesday mornings in the spring semester, I teach at the Doshisha University graduate school. Teaching in different settings inspires new ideas. During the break, I go to the bookstore of University Coop, where I am stimulated by varieties of books and journals.

+16 (May 16)

We viewed the parades of the Aoi-matsuri festival on the corner of Demachi and Kawaramachi today. As it was postponed to today, the time just overlapped with the junior seminar session period, and I thought that we should never miss such a chance. I quickly changed the scheduled and was accompanied by all the junior seminar members, 15 intellectual ladies, and enjoyed the colorful mosaic of costumes with quite a few onlookers there.

+15 (May 15)

I had my birthday celebrated by many people today. In particular, my senior seminar students made a surprise celebration in today’s session. When stepping into the classroom, all the seminar members there gave me words for celebrating my 64th birthday. I bet I am the happiest teacher in the world.

+14 (May 14)

The place where I live now is close to the prefectural border to Osaka. Thus, I drove to a supermarket in Mino-city for the first time. It was not bad. While driving, though it was raining, the mountains were beautiful with various degrees of green trees.

+13 (May 13)

This is a photo of the prime minister of Japan, Mr. Kishida for the Time, which has provoked discussions. According to the Asahi-shinbun today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs got upset about the explanations for this photo and requested the editors to change it to a more moderate one. The Time’s description of his recent speech and behaviors sounds more accurate.

+12 (May 12)

An egret (hern, Sagi in Japanese) was in Gosho when I went it through by bike in the morning. He/she seemed accustomed to humans so much and was not daunted. There must be more animals in the Gosho Palace.

+11 (May 11)

The campus of DWCLA in Imadegawa is full of flowers. We would miss them unless we stop and look around. I remembered a catchphrase “Think globally, Act locally.

+10 (May 10)

Just inside the main gate of Doshisha University on the Imadegawa campus, the Monument of Conscience stands. Conscience is the ultimate goal of Doshisha Education proposed by the founder, Joe Neejima. Every time I see this, I remind myself of the importance of this concept.

+9 (May 9)

Again the Gosho Palace, where I feel relaxed and remember the Queen’s Park in Toronto, Canada. They resemble each other. Both of them are located in the city center and full of beautiful trees. I took this photo around 8am when I went through with my bike.

+8 (May 8)

Starting over. After Golden Week, I started commuting to my college again by bike. Going through the Gosho Palace is my favorite. Moving through unpaved roads needs close attention and concentration.

+7 (May 7)

I was back in my hometown Ayabe-city in northern Kyoto prefecture. I had a chat with my mother, who turns 93 this month, over a cup of coffee. Heavy rain fell all day, but I was happy in my little town. I remembered quite a few things and found my motivation increasing.

+6 (May 6)

Office day! I wanted to do something that I usually would not do. I spent almost half a day doing a thorough cleaning of my office at college. Checking books on shelves, I exchanged them with more useful books. Now my office looks like a new one! Comprare my office before and after!

+5 (May 5)

Children’s day and Family day! My son’s family came back with his/her son, who turns 2 years old this August. He is still bashful with us and a dog other than his parents. As he lives in the urban area of Osaka, a rural landscape such as rice fields and unpaved footpaths should have been new to him.

+4 (May 4)

I was dating my wife at a British Pub near Kyoto Station. My favorite beer is Ale and this Guinness beer. As it is rather difficult to find draft Guinness in Japan, it was a pleasure today to enjoy nice Guinness. While I have ever had Guinness in Toronto, Oxford, and London, the one in Dublin was the best of the best.

+3 (May 3)

It is a beautiful day today. I spent some time farming at my wife’s home. After three years of experience, I got used to operating a farm tractor (cultivator). The first thing to do was to buy one liter of petrol in a firm special box at the gas station. The next thing was to turn on the engine of the tractor, which needs only a little bit of tactics. When falling into a food crisis, I wonder if we can survive on such a small farm.

+2 (May 2)

I had a medical check today at a clinic near Kyoto Station as I haven’t had my stomach checked for the last five years. The last time was just before leaving for the UK; My friend’s husband (a medical doctor in Osaka) kindly and carefully scanned my stomach using a gastroscope. This time, I had a gastric camera (i-kamera) through my nose. Fortunately, I had no problems in my esophagus, stomach or duodenum, though I had my nose and throat paralyzed by anesthetic and it took almost three hours including waiting time.

+1 (May 1)

I went hiking to Mt. Miyama in Rurikei Hotsprings area located in the prefecture borders between Kyoto and Osaka. By climbing for 75 minutes, I reached the top of it. I was accompanied by my wife and Bailey (a beagle). The new green leaves were lovely!

-1 (April 30)

I enjoyed a BBQ, a beer and wine with my wife, my daughter and her friend. It was comfortable and perfect for BBQ as the weather was not bad and the humidity level was low,

-2 (April 29)

I will have a special talk at our faculty luncheon meeting on Friday, May 19. Thanks to the head of the office, Mr. I, such a neat poster was made and displayed in front of Junseikan building. Everyone is welcome!


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